Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Natural gas: the cleanest of the fossil fuels.

Natural gas is all too often left out of discussions about cleaner energy alternatives. It is already used extensively throughout the world, and most of us probably use it more than we realize. In fact, in 2007 natural gas accounted for 27% of the total energy consumed in the United States. Natural gas is the cleanest and most efficient of all the energy sources available to us today. It is also extremely abundant, with large deposits found right here in Alaska. It is unknown exactly how much natural gas we have in North America, but we do know that it isn't going to run out any time soon. In fact, much of the natural gas found on the north slope is just burned off because there is no infrastructure in place allowing for it to be collected and transported to market. In Anchorage we get our natural gas from Cook Inlet.

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